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Payment Methods

For the convenience of our members we provide them with multiple payment methods when it comes to table money:

  • Direct Debit - just fill in the form attached below and either bring it to the club or email to
  • Eftpos – the eftpos machine is located in the Director’s room
  • Prize Tickets - these are awarded to club series winners
  • Cash - members are strongly encouraged to select the above payment methods rather than cash

Paying Table Money by Direct Debit

There seems to have been some confusion on how the direct debit system works for payment of table money. The following will hopefully explain this in simple terms.

  1. Take a direct debit form from the table in the foyer, complete, sign and hand in to the office.
  2. At the beginning of each session thereafter simply sign alongside your name on the playing sheet.
  3. At the beginning of each month you will be emailed with an account of the sessions that you played in the previous month and the total amount that will be debited from your account. You will then have 8 working days to check this and get back to the office with any discrepancies. Following 8 working days your account will be debited with your total table money for the month prior.

Once set up you have no worries about finding the correct cash and you only pay once a month and then only for the session you have attended.

If you have any queries regarding the direct debit system do not hesitate to contact the Club Manager or one of the Committee members.

Hutt Bridge Club Direct Debit Form.pdf488.94 KB