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Vil's Books Online
In addition to hardcopy of Thirteen Tricks and Evil Acol, you can now also read an on-line reproduction of many of Vil's books here on this site.
From Vil's lessons in the 1990s. Learning the SIMPLE way. Some things have changed since then but the principles are still the same. Once you have learnt to play the SIMPLE way, you will easily be able to upgrade and adjust to any system or any way of playing that you and your partner prefer.
This book follows play in the lower grades of club level. In story form, it will give the reader interesting reading and an education in certain aspects of basic play.
Slam bidding at lower and more advanced levels of the game. Some simple suggestions for slam bidding and play.
Play and defence in No Trumps. Seventeen chapters on No Trumps and various options for No Trump openings, play, and defence against No Trump bidding.
Starting with fairly basic defence, the chapters lead you through a number of stages to help you become a very good defender. The final chapters are an update on a number of treatments. A must for any pair that wants to get good results on defence, not just in the bidding and declarer play. How to communicate with and understanding and cooperative partner.
An attempt at humour, for those who enjoy a bit of light banter and unusual hands. Much of this book may not be considered entirely “PC” these days but many reports have been received from people who have had a good laugh, some even recognising themselves in the characters spoken of by the author, Vil's “alter ego” Raimondo Von Impski. 28 Von Impski Stories from bridge club happenings.
A sequel to “Tips and Quips”, we are back in the lower grades. More tips for the beginner, how to improve their bridge and their results in the lower grades before progressing up the ranks.