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Notices w/c 22 November 2021

By HBCInc - Posted on 22 November 2021

  • On Monday afternoon, the Prime Minister announced that the rest of New Zealand would be included in the traffic light system when Auckland shifts into ‘red’ on Friday 3 December. This means that we will have to bring forward the timing of our own requirements for entry to play bridge at our club to Friday 3 December. The main things we need to observe are:
    1. Only fully vaccinated players can play bridge at our club from (and including) Friday 3 December.
    2. If you are unvaccinated after 3 December, you will be unable to attend playing sessions, regardless of wearing a mask.
    3. Proof of vaccination is to be provided to Megan by then – this is an earlier date than before. If you have any technical issues in obtaining a certificate please let Megan know asap. She may be able to help.
    4. Until 3 December, all players and the Director must wear a mask. Prior to that date, if you are unable to wear a mask, an official mask wearing exemption must be obtained from a qualified person such as your doctor and shown to Megan. These will only be accepted from vaccinated members, so make sure proof of vaccination has also been provided.
    5. Until 3 December, the current practice of no tea breaks is to continue. Tea, coffee, water and biscuits are to be consumed away from the playing tables. This is best done when you are at a phantom table, dummy or during some other long gap. You must keep an eye on the play in the room in order to get back in time for the next board/ move.
    6. From 3 December, with the mandate in force, when our region is in codes green or orange the club will have no limits on gatherings or close contact including socialising at tea breaks. Mask wearing will not be compulsory but is highly encouraged, especially when indoors.
  • Your 2022 programme book and invoice is available for collection in the foyer.
  • NZBridge have awarded the following members with the rank of local master: Cathy Gilmour and Caryl Turner. Congratulations!
  • The Improver lessons are coming to an end. The final lesson in the series will be next Monday 29 November and will cover the topic “Ace asking and slam bidding”. Vil will be offering one additional lesson on Monday 6 December. This lesson will be a recap on basic bidding theory aimed at newer players. There is no charge for this lesson and all members are welcome.
  • Unfortunately there will be no further rounds of Interclub this year for Covid related reasons. As a result there will be no winners declared for any of the grades. However, special mention has been made of the Hutt Junior team captained by Neil Sargisson and including Jacob Pilalis and Peter and Dianna Snethlage. This team has once again been in very fine form and would have had a big carry over to any final round.
  • Saturday revision is on this Saturday 27 November at 10:30am in the playing room.